Gatekeeper Pilot

Gatekeeper Pilot: Terms of Use

The Pilot system is provided for Gatekeeper users, communities and partners for testing and evaluation purposes. By using this service you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions stated on this page. If you do not agree to these terms, please refrain from using the service.

  1. Certificates are issued from the Pilot system without warranty of any kind.
  2. Under no circumstances should certificates issued by this system be used in a production context, or to secure sensitive data.
  3. If you need to contact Support, please ensure you mention that your query relates to the Pilot system. Note that the level of support provided for the Pilot system is completely at DigiCert's discretion.
  4. DigiCert makes no guarantee as to the continued availability of the Pilot system. The system is subject to downtime and maintenance during normal business hours. Features and restrictions may be changed, added or removed at any time without prior notice.

Warning: avoid entering sensitive data

In Pilot, certificates are issued automatically without any validation or authentication of users. This means that anyone may be issued a Manager Certificate for any account. Managers can view the details of all enrolments under their account. Therefore, certain details may be exposed to potentially malicious users. Specifically:

By using this system you accept that the data you enter may be revealed to other users. Do not enter any data you consider sensitive. You will not hold DigiCert liable for any damage caused by the exposure or subsequent misuse of any data.

In addition to viewing enrolment details, other users, or DigiCert itself, may at any time reject, revoke or replace enrolments. Do not rely on the continued validity of certificates issued from this system.

If you have any questions or concerns about the Pilot system, please contact Support.