Australian Customs Users: Get Started With Gatekeeper

Is your organisation or business new to Gatekeeper?
These are the steps to follow:
1. Set Up a New Account
Set up a new Gatekeeper account for your organisation:
Go to and enter your ABN.
If it turns out you already have an account for that ABN, we'll send you directly to Step 2.
- Follow the process to set up a new account. You'll be asked to provide:
- Your contact details (name, business address, phone, email); and
- Payment of the Account Setup Fee ($489.00 inc GST) using a credit card, or optionally using company purchase order.
- Once complete, you'll be sent an Account Setup Guide that will instruct you on the next step. This will require you to prove that you represent your organisation by sending DigiCert some documentary evidence, such as a letter addressed to your organisation from the Australian Business Registry or Tax Office.
The documentation required can depend on your organisation type. The Account Setup Guide is personalised based on your information, so be sure to follow the steps outlined there rather than rely on the general information presented here.
- Once DigiCert has received and processed your documentation (and purchase order if applicable), we'll approve your new account and notify you via email.
2. Enrol a Certificate Manager
Your account needs at least one Certificate Manager, the person assigned responsibility for approving certificate requests from others within the organisation.- Identify someone to perform the role of Certificate Manager.
- Have them go to and enter your ABN.
- Select the Manager option under Enrol for certificates.
If no other Managers exist, a popup will prompt you begin the Manager enrolment.
- Follow the enrolment process:
- Provide personal details: legal name, residential address, mobile phone, email, date of birth; and
- Print the Enrolment Pack containing detailed instructions and two forms: a Letter of Authority and an Attestation Letter.
You can download a sample Enrolment Pack. - The Letter of Authority authorises this person to act as a Certificate Manager. It must be signed by an office holder of your organisation (e.g. CEO, Company Director or Secretary, Trustee, Partner) and the original returned to DigiCert by post.
- The Attestation Letter must be presented during the virtual Identification interview along with the required identification documents.
- Optional: if you wish to use a purchase order to pay for the Manager enrolment, you should complete the purchase now by going to, entering your ABN and selecting the option to Purchase a certificate voucher.
- Australia Post and DigiCert will process the forms and approve the Manager's enrolment within six working days.
- The Manager will receive an email instructing them how to install their Manager certificate. They'll need:
- The personalised link from the email;
- Their mobile phone, to receive an SMS code;
- A credit card to pay for their enrolment, unless payment has already been made.
3. Enrol Standard certificates as required
Others within the organisation can enrol for Standard certificates and have them approved by the Certificate Manager.- Certificate applicants should go to and enter your ABN.
- Select the Standard option under Enrol for certificates.
- Follow the enrolment process:
- Provide personal details: name, mobile phone, email.
- Contact the Certificate Manager and ask them to approve your request.
- The Certificate Manager should go to and select the option Manage My Organisation's Gatekeeper Account.
- They will be prompted to approve any pending requests. The Manager should be satisfied that each request is legitimate and is not from anyone attempting to impersonate someone from your organisation. This may require them to vet the certificate applicant by phone, email or in person.
- The Manager will choose the payment method:
- Use an existing voucher (if any exist); or
- Use a credit card provided by the Manager; or
- Use a credit card to be provided by the certificate applicant during installation.
- The certificate applicant will receive an email instructing them how to install their certificate. They'll need:
- The personalised link from the email;
- Their mobile phone, to receive an SMS code;
- A credit card to pay for their enrolment, if this option was selected by the Manager.
Optional: Enrol for Device Certificates for EDI Messaging
If you use software to exchange EDI messages with Customs, you'll need at least one Device certificate (previously called a Type 3 certificate). Acquiring a Device certificate follows the same process as for a Standard certificate, with the following minor differences:- Once you've entered your ABN, select the Device option under Enrol for certificates.
- The Device certificate is issued in the name of the device, not the person performing the enrolment. This person may be someone from outside your organisation (for example, an IT contractor). The Manager must still ensure the legitimacy of the request before approving.
- You can avoid entering your ABN at each step: go to, enter your ABN and bookmark the resulting page. (It'll be<YOUR ABN>). Users can be directed straight to the appropriate enrolment page, e.g.<YOUR ABN>/manager or<YOUR ABN>/standard.
- If you plan to issue many certificates, or wish to pay with a purchase order, you may pre-purchase a Certificate Voucher for your account and use up the credit as you go. Credit never expires. Go to, enter your ABN and select the option to Purchase a certificate voucher.
- Using My Gatekeeper, Managers can view the details of all enrolments made under your account, and where appropriate can approve, renew or revoke certificates. They can also view your account's purchase history.
- Standard certificate holders can use My Gatekeeper to view details of their own certificate, and renew it where applicable.
Contact Us
You can contact us for help with this process:

+61 3 9914 5600 (select option 1, "Authentication")

9:00am - 5:00pm AEST
Monday - Friday
(excluding Australian national public holidays)
Monday - Friday
(excluding Australian national public holidays)